Inquiry – REAL Science Challenge Relevant Engaging Applied Learning Fri, 19 Feb 2021 08:01:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 128369503 #44 – Here’s our Super Simple Inquiry Bellringer (note: students help come up with it!) Wed, 08 Aug 2018 13:00:20 +0000 Read More →

What are the big goals for science education? To make life long learners? (Answer: Yes). To make students critical thinkers? (Answer: again, yes). Another big goal for science education is for students to apply scientific thinking in the real world. More specifically, we want students to be able to use their science skills to conduct inquiry. However, doing inquiry (especially student led inquiry) can be challenging for students. In fact, there’s a mountain of stuff to overcome (asking a good question, designing and conducting a fair experiment, analysis, etc). And, none of this comes from a textbook. Thus,, where do we start? What can teachers do to help students start doing inquiry? I suggest an inquiry bellringer.


The best way to teach inquiry, I find, is to get lots of practice doing it. I suggest starting the class everyday with an inquiry bellringer where students come up with a question-of-the-day. I outline the strategy below along with some tips from my own experience.  Handouts are also available for download at the end of this blog post.


Better Readers make better writers

During my undergraduate degree, I took a writing course where the instructor had us keep a book list populated with books she recommended. Everyday, the instructor gave us her latest recommendation. And, everyday, we recorded them. According to the instructor, the idea behind keeping a book list was to have us become better writers by having us be better readers first. That is, by having us read good literature, we would hopefully be able to model good writing in our own work. She also collected our list periodically throughout the year (a way of keeping us motivated to come to class, I suppose). When I first started teaching, I did a similar thing with my own science classes.


However, instead of keeping a book list, my students kept a question and answer list. It was a simple way to have students ask interesting science questions. It was, in effect, a science inquiry bellringer. At the beginning of the year, students came up with 3 interesting science questions and submitted them. For example, I remember some students asking why the sky was blue or why Michael Jackson’s skin was getting whiter. Then, the night before each class, I chose one and wrote the answer on the overhead projector (with the help of Google). The next day, students had to record the question and answer on their list. And, I collected their lists periodically.


Through this science inquiry bellringer, students got practice asking interesting questions that they were genuinely interested in. And, after a while, the inquiry bellringer was something students came to enjoy – often kicking off some good discussion or raising a number of follow up questions. I found this to be a fun, engaging way to have students practice asking their questions. And, it was also a regular activity through which I can show students how I solved a problem, answered a question, and conducted an inquiry investigation using the scientific skills and processes we talked about in class.


Practical Tips on running this inquiry bellringer

1. Ask for Googleable and nonGoogleable questions

A Googleable question is something Google can answer. A nonGoogleable answer is something Google cannot. Most questions students come up with will be the Googleable kind (ex. Why is the sky blue? How do we know the universe is expanding?). It’s ok if most questions start here because (a) students may genuinely not know and would like to know the answer, and (b) students may not know how to ask good, inquiry questions yet. Good inquiry questions are the nonGoogleable kind. For example, how do I make a living wall that removes the most toxins from the air? Or, what is the best way to cool down my room on a hot day while using the least amount of electricity? Although Google can help in answering these questions, there is no definitive answer because the answers are contextual and require a test or test(s) to find the answer.


2. Update the list of questions regularly

As you answer more and more questions, students will naturally have more and more questions to ask. And, students also ask better and better questions as they get practice in asking them. Thus, have students submit more questions throughout the year. I suggest having students submit questions at the beginning of each term or earlier (depending on how quickly you runout of questions).


3. Provide the process, not just the answer

The only way students are going to get better at doing inquiry is by seeing it in action. Thus, when answering a question-of-the-day for this inquiry bellringer, model the process through which we finally get the answer. Approach the question or problem by first proposing a possible explanation that is testable. In other words, develop a hypothesis.  Then, develop a quick experiment that can be done to test the hypothesis. And, outline what the results could be and what they would mean. Finally, if there is a real answer to the question, provide it. If there isn’t a real answer (most nonGoogleable questions won’t), having the process of how to approach a question is good enough.


4. Provide a Q&A format

The simplest format has a question followed by an answer. However, if it is process we are hoping to highlight, we need to have students document the process too. One suggestion is to include a hypothesis, independent and dependent variables along with an explanation of what the results may mean for each possibility.


5. Answer some questions, but have students solve some too.

After answering some questions yourself, start getting students to come up with their own answers. From time to time, post a question and have students develop a hypothesis, experiment, and possible outcomes and their meanings. This is where students get to practice their inquiry skills. For days like this, highlight the best student solution as the answer for the question-of-the-day. Or, have students merely craft their own solutions as a possible answer.


Wrap up

How do we teach students to do inquiry? And, where do we start? With so many aspects of inquiry that need our attention, it can be a daunting task. An inquiry bellringer – where students get to practice running inquiry via a daily question that is asked and answered – is one solution. Such an inquiry bellringer is student-centered (students come up with the question and,  perhaps, the answer too), relevant, and collaborative. And, it’s fun too. Click on the link below to download our handouts. Please leave us a comment and/or share our website with your colleagues too.


Until next time, keep it REAL.



Handout(s): 44 – Simple Inquiry Icebreaker Notes

Our resources are free. We aren’t collecting emails for our resources. However, it would help us out if you liked us on our Facebook page and subscribed to our Youtube Channel. Thanks!

#32 – Why there’s always room for Jello in an inquiry project? Tue, 20 Mar 2018 13:00:48 +0000 Read More →

Are you looking for a demo or an inquiry project about enzymes? If so, consider Jello. Yes, what I’m proposing is a Jello inquiry project. First of all, Jello makes for a fun and cheap activity. And, the materials are easily accessible too. Furthermore, kids can relate to Jello. I mean, who hasn’t had a bowl of Jello or some Jello mixed in with some fruit cocktail when they were young? It’s part of our culture. And, even within the science classroom, there’s always room for Jello.


Jello mystery = Interesting Inquiry Project

Ever notice how there isn’t kiwi Jello? There’s Jello that comes in strawberry, orange, and lime, but why not kiwi?

Years ago, I thought I’d get into the hipster food craze by producing funky combinations of naturally made Jello with real chunks of fruit. I bought some gelatin, dissolved it in water and added some kiwi and placed it in the fridge.

Unfortunately, the Jello didn’t set – it was still in liquid form after being in the fridge overnight. So, I added another pack of gelatin (with the thinking that increasing concentration of gelatin would obviously result in the reaction I want). And, it also did not set. Why wasn’t the gelatin setting? This was the classic science discrepant event, and one that inspired me to create a jello inquiry project.

Below, we quickly discuss the reasons why jello won’t set in kiwi and provide a quick intro and some inquiry suggestions for your own Jello inquiry project. A quick guide / cheat sheet is available at the end for download.


Why won’t kiwi Jello set?

So why doesn’t Jello (or, to be more precise, gelatin) set in the presence of kiwi? Turns out, it’s because of the presence of naturally occurring digestive enzymes in kiwi.

Enzymes, of course, are biological catalysts that speed up the rate of a reaction without be used up itself. For digestive enzymes, these enzymes can break down one protein and then move onto another and another without being used up. The digestive enzymes in kiwi break down the proteins in gelatin, thereby preventing gelatin from setting. Thus, jello cannot set in the presence of kiwi because the enzymes digest all the gelatin. The same thing happens to jello in the presence of pineapple too.


To get Jello to set in kiwi, we must stop the work of the digestive enzymes in the kiwi. We do this by destroying or altering the digestive enzymes in the kiwi. For example, one way to do this is to force bonds that hold the enzyme together apart (by adding heat). Or, we can disrupt the electrostatic attractive forces within the enzyme (for example, by changing the pH). By destroying the digestive enzymes in kiwi before adding the Jello, we make sure there is gelatin present for the Jello to set.

Our Jello inquiry project does not just ask how to stop the activity of digestive enzymes. Instead, we also want to determine what minimum treatment is necessary for edible, kiwi Jello to set. Potentially, there may be many things that can disrupt digestive enzymes (ex. Adding heavy metal ions), but the treatment may not result in an edible product.


Part 1: A Quick Jello Intro

To start the project, we must illustrate the problem. The following outlines a demo that can be done to show students how gelatin will not set in the presence of kiwi.



2 – 250mL beakers
1 – package of Knox gelatin
1 – Kiwi
2 – marbles


  1. Dissolve Knox gelatin according to the instructions into the 250mL beaker.
  2. Pour half of the dissolved gelatin into the other 250mL beaker. Add additional water to each beaker to make up to 200mL of water.
  3. Add 10 small pieces of sliced kiwi to one beaker. Leave the other beaker untouched.
  4. Place beakers in the fridge and leave overnight.
  5. Take both beakers out the next day. Place one marble in the beaker containing kiwi-gelatin and the other in the beaker containing only gelatin. What do you notice?


Note: the marble should sink in the first beaker because the gelatin has not set. However, the gelatin in the second beaker has set and the marble remains on the surface.



Part 2: Adding in a dash of Inquiry

Consider the factors that can be changed in order for to destroy or disable the digestive enzymes in the kiwi. Your students can choose one or two to study and determine the minimum treatment necessary to set jello with kiwi in it.


Changing temperature

What if kiwi were heated at higher temperatures before being added to gelatin?  Students can heat kiwi at 70, 80, 90, and 100 degrees Celsius for a set amount of time and determine what minimum temperature will allow gelatin to set.


Changing heating time

What if kiwi were heated at lower temperatures but for longer periods of time? Perhaps, students can experiment with heating kiwi at 80 degrees for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and half an hour and note any changes.


Changing pH

What if kiwi was soaked in acidic or basic solution before being added to gelatin? One thing that can be done is soaking the kiwi in increasing concentrations of lemon juice to make it more acidic. Alternatively, kiwi can also be soaked in increasing concentrations of baking soda solution to make it more basic.


Dissolving salts or sugars

What if dissolved salts or sugars disrupted the covalent bonds in proteins? Students can test this idea by soaking kiwi in saturated salt or sugar solution and solutions of 40%, 60%, and 80% saturation before adding to gelatin.


Adding different alcohols

What if polar covalent liquids are strong enough to disrupt kiwi’s digestive enzymes? Students can test this hypothesis be soaking kiwi in alcohol of growing alcoholic concentrations (ie. from 5% to 40% alcohol) before adding to gelatin.



Wrap Up

An inquiry project doesn’t need to have an elaborate set up or even a super complicated procedure. Some of the best inquiry projects come as a result of noticing a different result to an everyday occurrence. Which is why the discrepancy with regards to jello and kiwi makes for such an interesting yet simple inquiry project. Jello is common enough for most anyone to access. Yet, the solution to our inquiry project can be approached from so many different angles. To download the handouts to this post, click on the link below. And, please share this post through social media if you enjoyed it or found it useful. Thanks!


Until next time, keep it REAL!



Handout(s): 32 – Jello Inquiry Project

Our resources are free. We aren’t collecting emails for our resources. However, it would help us out if you liked us on our Facebook page and subscribed to our Youtube Channel. Thanks!

#31 – How we use mud pies for a simple inquiry project (hint: it’s shocking) Thu, 15 Mar 2018 13:00:57 +0000 Read More →

We like science inquiry projects that are more hands-on. The ones where students need to build a physical prototype, test it, and refine it. Sure, there are those who like science inquiry projects resulting in a poster or PowerPoint presentation. But, I prefer the physical. And, in an age where students spend a bulk of their time on the computer anyways, I think students appreciate the physical too. The problem is, what prototyping projects lend itself to being a good science inquiry project? Yes students can always build popsicle stick bridges. But, with time constraints, it’s hard to spend time building bridges if they don’t fit in the curriculum. In a previous post (#29), we provide a science inquiry project where students build solar ovens in order to study the behaviour of light, which ties to the parts of the curriculum focusing on light. That’s the type of science inquiry project I enjoy having students do. Projects where students build, test, and apply their prior knowledge to a goal that gets kids out of their desks is what I like. But, again, finding a simple inquiry project that hits all the criteria I set forth is challenging.


So, when I learned how bacteria in mud can be used to create a mud battery, I got real excited. We tested it out and, yes, it’s true. The bacteria in mud can produce a low voltage under the right conditions. And, such a project connects well with multiple parts of the science curriculum too. For example, this project can connects with the electric circuits and voltages curricula as well as the abiotic/biotic conditions necessary for life. And, with a variety of ways to make a mud battery – especially one that produces the most voltage – this project makes for a simple inquiry project that connects well with content and competencies. In this post, we outline how we set up a demo version of a mud battery. We also provide some useful links as well as a handout that is available for download at the end of the post.



Just how simple is our simple inquiry project?

The battery is relatively easy to make and the parts easy to source. All that’s needed is a couple of insulated wires, a container (glass or plastic), some mud, sugar, water, and two squares of felt. You do not need electrodes or wiring of different metals.


We followed the video instructions on setting up a mudwatt kit the first time we set up our battery (see below).


Note: The main difference between mudwatt and our homemade mud battery is that we don’t attach our wires to a circuit or LED. Rather, we measure the voltage produced by connecting the wires to a multimeter. However, if you want all the bells-and-whistles that come with an actual mudwatt, you can buy them by clicking here.


After setting up the battery, wait a day before testing for voltage. Our battery produced 0.60V of electricity a day after our initial setup.



The Potential (literally)

The purpose of this lab is not just to build a battery but to make it better. And, by better, we mean a battery that can produce the most voltage. That is the inquiry question students tackle in this project.


And, there are a number of variables students can modify to achieve this. Students can change the wiring, the amount of mud, the type of mud (ie. Where they go their mud from), the shape and/or size of the container, the nutrient (ex. Sugar) initially being added to the mud, the battery temperature, and the the time between setup and trials. Thus, there are many ways students can approach the goal of making a mud battery that produces the greatest voltage – some of which may not be on the list above yet.



Wrap Up

There are simple inquiry projects and inquiry projects that are just simple. I’m not a big fan of those inquiry projects that have a simple output like having students write a report or produce a PowerPoint presentation. I like simple inquiry projects: those that are easy to set up and require students to build, test, and modify variables in order to get a better result. That’s what we have in the mud battery inquiry project. It’s hands-on, unorthodox, highly demonstrable, and, at the same time, connects well with today’s science curricular standards. And, the materials and setup are simple. I hope you give it a try with your students and let me know how it goes. To download our mud battery inquiry project handouts, click the link below.


Until next time, keep it REAL!



Handout(s): 31 – Mud Battery Inquiry Project

Our resources are free. We aren’t collecting emails for our resources. However, it would help us out if you liked us on our Facebook page and subscribed to our Youtube Channel. Thanks!

#30 – 4 Essential Parts to an Inquiry Project Progress Report (hint: images is one!) Mon, 12 Mar 2018 13:00:47 +0000 Read More →

Do you collect student reflections/sample work while they are working through a project? If not, you should. It helps track student progress (and process) during a project so there are no surprises at project’s end. Surprises, for example, like when the project doesn’t work. However, what exactly are you looking for in a project progress report? For example, do you ask for a summary and a reflection? Or, do you ask for a list of data and observations and a quick analysis of possible lab errors? I believe there is generally a consensus among teachers of what goes into a student project progress report. But, what does a progress report look like? And, is it the same as a lab report?


With regards to the latter question, no, a project progress report is not the same as a lab report. Where a lab report provides a summary and analysis of the entire lab from start to finish, a project progress report provides details of what is currently going on in the project. In other words, a progress report details what has been going on up until the time the report is made – and that’s typically not at the end of the project.


With regards to what is included in a progress report, I typically ask for students to show me their analysis, evidence, reasoning, and evolution. In post #29, I write about a build and test project I typically do with my students (handouts are available for download). One thing I ask for from my students during the project is progress reports. In this post, we go through the 4 elements I look for in my student’s project progress reports. I ask for the same 4 elements in all the build and test projects I run in Senior Physics and Junior science. And, I find it’s enough to gauge student thinking and track the evolution of an idea too. At the end of the post, our sample project progress report is available for download.

The Basic Project Progress Report

So, what do I specifically ask for when it comes to evidence, evolution, analysis, and reasoning in a progress report? I refer you to the following:

(1) Images of the current prototype

This is one piece of evidence I ask for. First, images show me that the prototype was completed. Also, pictures are valuable when students can’t find the words to describe their project. And, I can also compare current images to previous ones to see how the project has evolved. Thus, I typically ask for 5 images of the project from different views (front, side, top, back, axonometric). I also ask students to take pictures of special features of their projects. And, unless students are using their parent’s Nokia from the 1990s, having students take pictures is usually not a problem. Most students already have a cell phone with a build-in camera. Those who don’t have a cell phone camera can ask their friends to take pictures for them.


(2) Written Reflection

I want to know what was made, how it was made, and what materials were used. This serves as a way for students to communicate how they are connecting and applying their science knowledge to a problem. If a student decides to use one material or condition over another, they need to tell me why. This is more than just a list of materials and a step-by-step procedure. Instead, it is the opportunity for students to explain their design decisions as they relate to science principles.

(3) Data and observations

Usually in the form of a data table or chart. I ask for both qualitative and quantitative observations. Typically, I don’t mark the the data or results for accuracy. Instead, I look at data for completion – as a sign that the prototype was completed and tested. Also, I ask for data and observations so that students have the observations in front of them when they do the analysis of their current prototype. And, data and observations also gives students practicing in running a controlled experiment.

(4) Written prediction

Now that students have some data from their experiment, I have students tell me what they will change for next time prototype. There are 3 things I expect in this section. First, I want students to state the flaws of their design. In other words, what went wrong when testing their prototype? How can they get a better result next time? Next, students write down what they plan to change. Perhaps, it is a change in material. Or, perhaps it’s a calibration or alignment issue. Finally, students tell me how this change will result in a better test the next time. This process serves as a way for students to reflect on their data and apply their knowledge to overcome obstacles that arise during the project.

Field Notes

  • Ask for electronic versions. I share a google drive folder with students and have them create their own subfolders where they can upload their evidence and documents. This is especially handy when it comes to comparing images between current prototype and previous ones when looking for evolution of an idea.
  • Consider using asking students to use the CER structure to write their prediction. It’s just another opportunity to practice the structure. And, what I am asking for in the prediction basically draws from CER anyways.
  • Put aside time in class for students to build and test together. This is the perfect place for students to bring up any issues with you and to clarify what pictures to take and data to record. In the past, I tended to get a lot of projects that didn’t meet what I was asking for merely because students misunderstood what I was asking for in their project progress report.


Wrap Up

Projects are fun do with students. And, students learn a lot by working through a problem. Regular check-ins are also important to the process. Project progress reports, which are not as structured as lab reports, allow teachers to gauge student thought at check-in points. Progress reports also create a paper trail from which we can track the evolution of the project. The 4 elements I list above to include in a progress report have worked for me. However, if you have others to include that work well too, please share! I’d love to know how others tackle this. To download a sample progress report, join our email newsletter by clicking the link below. Thanks!


Until next time, keep it REAL.



Handout(s): 30 – Project Progress Report

Our resources are free. We aren’t collecting emails for our resources. However, it would help us out if you liked us on our Facebook page and subscribed to our Youtube Channel. Thanks!

#29 – How a pizza box is used for one awesome science inquiry project (hint: tin foil also needed) Tue, 27 Feb 2018 14:00:42 +0000 Read More →

Inquiry projects seem to be all the rage at the moment. With more states and provinces revising their curricula and moving towards reinforcing science skills, inquiry has come to the forefront a bit more. Although I agree that inquiry is a good skill to develop in science, open inquiry – where students can deep dive into any topic of their choosing – does not make for an awesome science inquiry project. I feel students need to learn a structure to inquiry and to go through some teacher-led inquiry before they can initiate their own.


Giving students sudden free reign to explore any project they want is too idealistic. Unfortunately, the reality is that many will not know what to do, where to start, and what to ask if suddenly given all that freedom. Also, with a class full of 30 students doing 30 different inquiry projects, I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to give feedback and provide materials for each one.


Qualities of an awesome science inquiry project

A more realistic goal to shoot for is guided inquiry, where teachers provide a question and students come up with their own experimental procedure and data analysis to answer the question. However, what is a good science inquiry project for science teachers hoping to do some guided inquiry? Also, what is an activity or project students can tackle easily but is still open enough for students to approach the task in a variety of unique ways? And, can we also keep the cost of these projects on the low side? This is something we’ll be discussing for the next couple of posts. For this post, we talk about one of our favourite science inquiry projects: the solar oven. I’ve done this with Grade 8 students and senior physics students. And, they all enjoy the challenge. Handouts are available at the end of the post.



Awesome Science Inquiry Project #1: The Solar Oven


In my classroom, the solar oven challenge is quite simple. Using biodegradable, reusable, and/or recyclable materials, make your own solar oven that can boil water. It’s a simple challenge, and the best part is that it’s simple for anyone to start. All students need to make the most basic solar oven is cardboard, tin foil, and tape. Thus, a lot of my students start by using pizza boxes or shoe boxes and line the insides with foil. However, some students will go the extra distance and go to the local dollar store to grab mirrors and glassware to enhance their designs. And, some may even try to hack their solar ovens from other household materials too (refer to video in resources section).


The thing to remember about this science inquiry project is that it’s not about the product. It’s about the process. In my classroom, students must produce and test at least 3 prototypes, one after another. Thus, the results of one prototype will inform the design of the next. Students test their prototypes, observe and reflect upon what went wrong (or right), and build another prototype (or enhance the previous one). Therefore, this science inquiry project is about modifying and testing variables all for a single purpose. That is, to boil some water using the sun’s energy. And, it is the students’ process and documentation of that process that will tell me if they can apply the scientific and engineering design process to a real life problem.


To be honest, boiling water using only the sun’s energy is hard. And, most students will not boil water. And, that’s okay. It’s always about the process of getting there. In the end, the building, the testing, the teamwork, and the desire to get a better result for each prototype is what the students will remember. And, that is also where the learning takes place too. In my experience, a lot of students will get their water to reach 35℃. However, some may break 45℃. And, very few will go above 60℃. But, rest assured, those oven’s that can reach over 60℃ have got some seriously science thought put into them.



Some online resources This is a website with a variety of different types of solar ovens This website has a basic solar oven construction plan


VIDEO: This video is produced by the King of Random and is titled “Burning Stuff with 2000℉ Solar Power!” This video shows how a solar oven doesn’t just have to be made of mirrors or reflecting surface.



VIDEO: This video is produced by the King of Random and is titled, “How to get 2000℉ Solar Power!. Ths video shoes how simple it is to get the materials to make a solar oven.



Wrap Up


Having students complete guided science inquiry projects is a great way to teach inquiry. Having a science inquiry project that is also easy to do, flexible in how to complete the task, and on the cheap side of science projects is also a plus. That’s what makes a solar oven such an awesome science inquiry project. We’ll be covering another great science inquiry project for an upcoming post. To download our handouts for this post, please click on the link below. Also, please share this resource with colleagues! Thanks!!


Until next time, keep it REAL.



Handout(s): 29 – Solar Oven Inquiry Project

Our resources are free. We aren’t collecting emails for our resources. However, it would help us out if you liked us on our Facebook page and subscribed to our Youtube Channel. Thanks!
